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The Capabilities of RX6: Isolating Bird Sounds

Rx6 is an extremely powerful an useful tool that will come in handy for any audio engineer. It's abilities and effectiveness at removing noise, hums, ess's, plosives and much more are truly staggering it's uses unquantifiable.

Here is a quick tour through Isotopes RX

To try it out for myself I found a sample with some less than desirable noise and aimed to remove it - leaving me with a cleaner, higher quality, more usable piece of audio. What I found was a recording of a rainforest featuring a range of different birds, What I believe id running water and a whole heap of noise. Using RX I aimed to remove the noise as well as some of the water in an attempt to isolate the bird noises.

The first track is the final product, and the second track is what it was to start with.

How unbelievable is that? What's even more surprising though is that apart from a few tweaks, it took me about 20 seconds to drive at that general de-noised result. So not only is it extremely powerful and versatile, but it's also very easy to use and implement.

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